Video Series: Who Is On Your Healthcare Team
We have created a series of five very short videos to walk you through the process of crafting your healthcare team to be exactly what you want it to be. You can do this individually or with groups of folks. Spiritual Directors and people in other forms of ministry, this is an ideal process to go through with those you companion. And we love it when family members engage in this work together; it can radically change the way we support each other.
The invitation is to set aside some time over the course of a week or so to delve into this creative process, grab some paper and fun writing tools (markers, colored pencils, and crayons are our favorite), and allow this workshop to help you design the exact team of folks you would like to support you in your wellness. Feel free to email Amy (amyagape@passings.us) with any questions, requests for guidance, or to share your process. We would love to learn about the team you create!
Cultivating Solidarity 1 - Why?
This video begins with an exercise that allows us to experience solidarity in our bodies -- and to experience what is not solidarity.
Cultivating Solidarity 2 - What?
EWe can only offer solidarity to folks with our same background, right? People who look, believe, and vote like we do? Not at all! It’s true that common ground is the core foundation for creating solidarity. But that ground may be more accessible than we think.
Cultivating Solidarity 3 - How?
So many things may stand in the way of solidarity -- judgment, fear, pain. How do we get around all that? And how can we make ourselves more available and prepared to do this work?
Homecoming in the Time of Shelter at Home
Even though the majority of us are spending most of our time at home during this pandemic, we may feel far from any sense of home that we have experienced before. Indeed, we are personally and collectively on a life-changing pilgrimage that may have just begun. Amy shares two influential stories of homecoming in order to find wisdom and guidance for our own journeys home.
What We Can Learn About “Home” from Youth Experiencing Homelessness (with Raven Agape)
Raven spent two years running a drop-in center for youth experiencing homelessness in Pueblo, Colorado. During that same period, he and Amy were creating their first home together. What did the youth he befriended on the streets teach him about “home”? What might they teach us?
Living Here Now Series
Part 1: Living Here Now: COVID-19 as Personal and Collective Transition
Years ago, Amy learned a profound lesson from a very small, very sick kitten; this lesson changed her world. In this video, she shares that story, that lesson, and ideas about becoming present to the reality that presents itself as our lives, right here, right now. That reality contains both the tangible world and the liminal world, and we are invited to experience both as we transition together through this pandemic.
Part 2: Living: Confessions of a Reforming Compulsive Meaning-Maker
During challenging times, it can be so enticing to avoid actually being present by creating stories, lessons, and meanings from our experiences. When we do that, we both rob ourselves of being present to our life as it presents itself to us and create attachments to our stories (be they frightening nightmares or beautiful fantasies) that can cause great suffering. Listen in to tales from ancient China, the scrapbooking store, and a nature preserve. How might we stop the compulsive meaning-making?
Part 3: Here: How Large is My World?
For many of us, the world may seem very small right now. We are spending all of our days at home with a very small number of people (if any). That situation can create feelings of isolation and loneliness. What is also true is that we have the capacity to connect with others in ways that far eclipse our usual methods of communication and connection. When we choose to use tangible restrictions of space as portals into liminality, our world expands vastly.
Part 4: Now: Chronos Time and Kairos Time
What day is today? When will this all end? How long do I have to feel this way (or attempt to avoid feeling this way)? These questions and more may have been dancing through your mind during our pandemic. And you have likely noticed that time seems to be moving in very odd ways -- it contracts, it expands, moments seem like hours, hours are filled with long lists of tasks. The Greeks had two different gods of time: Chronos and Kairos. We will meet those gods in this video and learn the gifts that each specific type of time brings to us during transitions.